Speedrating.blogspot.in NOR Personal [DOESN'T have ANY ID in Social Net including Face Book.] [10th March 14]

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lame Horses Cannot be Trusted Unless..........

a) 2 Good Gate Practice with Rider Boy(RB) or Same Jockey who will be Riding a Race.
b) XYZ(rb) Started 3 Lengths behind finished 1 Length ahead. (Finishing Style)
c)  One Good Mock Race.

These are the main essential to know the fitness of a Lame Horse. unless until it is tried this way, it is not worth considering  these Horses

(I will Consider the Lame Horses based on the above work)


LSD said...

dear sir very useful information.

since when u into racing sir? and what type of handicapping you do can you please tell all your fans here?
what time u post selections ?

Speedrating said...

Dear Lsd

Please go through "OVER CUP OF TEA" Bottom of right Side.
Looking for special equipment at right side of the bottom.
Please see some earlier posting

If you need any more details on subject line let me know.