Speedrating.blogspot.in NOR Personal [DOESN'T have ANY ID in Social Net including Face Book.] [10th March 14]

Sunday, July 23, 2017


Good Morning

The cards looks tough, Irrespective of my Selected choice and today SRTHEME has been display, whever it is applicable.

Do look at positive trend based on your home work.

1.  {Che ck the TOTE indication}
{12} Skybound  {6} Florencia

2. {Betting Range}
{6} Heroine  {8} Nanhipari

3. {RUN OF the RACE-}
{14} Leon {3} Amazing Desire


5. {Upset will be in Store}
{2} Fair Game  {4} Bonfire

6. {Between 2}
{8} Indian Brahmos  -{4} Humming Bird

{1} Ramon {2} El Matador

Jackpot Combination

As per Race  card

3  14
1  2
2  4
4  8
1  2

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