Speedrating.blogspot.in NOR Personal [DOESN'T have ANY ID in Social Net including Face Book.] [10th March 14]

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Delhi [08.10.2014] 1. [7] Racing King [5] Universal Joy 2. [5] Abshot [3] Harmonic 3. [1] Romantic Mission [4] Dazzling Wave 4. [5] Bhitski [8] Gentawave 5. [3] Sun Flag [5] . Sweet Sophia 6. [5] Rossette Queen [9] Secret Power


speedrating said...

Delhi [08.10.2014]

1. [7] Racing King [5] Universal Joy

2. [5] Abshot [3] Harmonic

3. [1] Romantic Mission [4] Dazzling Wave

4. [5] Bhitski [8] Gentawave

5. [3] Sun Flag [5] . Sweet Sophia

6. [5] Rossette Queen [9] Secret Power

speedrating said...

Ruler of the Day . Venus [7]

Chart No 7

2 [14] Venus [15] 7

10 [20] Saturn Sun [10] 5


4 [18] Moon Jupiter [19] 9

1 [16] Mars [17] 8

3 [12] Mercury [13] 6