Delhi [08.10.2014]
1. [7] Racing King [5] Universal Joy
2. [5] Abshot [3] Harmonic
3. [1] Romantic Mission [4] Dazzling Wave
4. [5] Bhitski [8] Gentawave
5. [3] Sun Flag [5] . Sweet Sophia
6. [5] Rossette Queen [9] Secret Power
(20.07.2010) (The Analysis of Horses "Tips and Explanation" are Based on Purely in-depth Study on Sporting Angle and NOT Gambling Angle, Such that Hidden Horses have and may be visible and confident words like Should Win Should Place or any other words are visible in this Blog to my understanding.][Visitors of this Blog have to take their own decision accordingly.)[Input your thoughts at comment box.](Please DO NOT Insert your Mobile No in the Messages. It will be deleted in the right spirit.)
Delhi [08.10.2014]
1. [7] Racing King [5] Universal Joy
2. [5] Abshot [3] Harmonic
3. [1] Romantic Mission [4] Dazzling Wave
4. [5] Bhitski [8] Gentawave
5. [3] Sun Flag [5] . Sweet Sophia
6. [5] Rossette Queen [9] Secret Power
Ruler of the Day . Venus [7]
Chart No 7
2 [14] Venus [15] 7
10 [20] Saturn Sun [10] 5
4 [18] Moon Jupiter [19] 9
1 [16] Mars [17] 8
3 [12] Mercury [13] 6
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