Speedrating.blogspot.in NOR Personal [DOESN'T have ANY ID in Social Net including Face Book.] [10th March 14]

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Delhi [08.10.2014] 1. [7] Racing King [5] Universal Joy 2. [5] Abshot [3] Harmonic 3. [1] Romantic Mission [4] Dazzling Wave 4. [5] Bhitski [8] Gentawave 5. [3] Sun Flag [5] . Sweet Sophia 6. [5] Rossette Queen [9] Secret Power


Anonymous said...

you do not Give numbers of speed
ratings fo r horses &how to become member

Unknown said...

Let me know, how to become member of winning horses, if you don't want me to give numbers of speed ratings for horses. Reply is awaited.s

speedrating said...

Those who are interested in Haro chart, here goes today Day Value [17 = 8]

Ruler of the Day [. Mars [8]

1 [16] Mars [17] 8

3 [12] Mercury [13] 6

9 [19] Jupiter Moon [18] 4

2 [14] Venus [15] 7


[10] [20] Saturn Sun] [11] 5

Anonymous said...

Hello Rao

Read Sir Article in left side Speedrating and his Vitemins. You will
get clear picture about racing and have othe articles which be useful.

Donot come into conclusion that it first choice is first choice or
second choice like that.

All the 3 or 2 choice is within secods and betting rang horses are in
choice the chances are good and we knew it at race time.

What happen in 3rd race at mysore on 7th october 40 paise board out and
sir didnot mentioned that and SRTheme says upset will be in store.

We are missing his detail examplation due to system crashed still giving
choice and srtheme through mobile.

Rest depeds on our luck.